An ebonised table, mahogany with sycamore and mother-of-pearl inlay. Hand finished.
A before and after photo of a marquetry cabinet. Hand finished.
A sycamore, lime and beech desk and chair. The lime swags were bleached, the beech legs coloured with pigments before hard finishing.
A sycamore, lime and beech desk and chair. The lime swags were bleached, the beech legs coloured with pigments before hard finishing.
The process of staining and finishing a bespoke oak library.
The process of staining and finishing a bespoke oak library.
The process of staining and finishing a bespoke oak library.
A walnut veneered TV cabinet before and after staining and french polishing.
A walnut veneered TV cabinet before and after staining and french polishing.
A maple and walnut boardroom table.